Thursday, April 26, 2012

Student name and ID: Rachel Khoo (0301371)

Topic: Conservation of traditional Chinese Architecture

Research Question(s):

  1. Why conserve?
  2. What are the methods?
  3. How is traditional Chinese architecture incorporated with modern architecture?
  4. What elements/ornaments are conserved?
  5. Methods of conservation.
  6. What are the challenges?
  7. What is the cultural significance?

Outline a summary of the topic:

The architecture of China is as old as Chinese civilization. From every source of information - literary, graphic, and exemplary - there is strong evidence testifying to the fact that the Chinese have always employed an indigenous system of construction that has retained its principal characteristics from prehistoric times to the present day. Over the vast area from Chinese Turkistan to Japan, from Manchuria to the northern half of French Indochina, the same system of construction is prevalent; and this was the area of Chinese cultural influence. That this system of construction could perpetuate itself for more than four thousand years over such a vast territory and still remain a living architecture, retaining its principal characteristics in spite of repeated foreign invasions - military, intellectual, and spiritual - is a phenomenon comparable only to the continuity of the civilization of which it is an integral part.
—Liang, Ssu-ch'eng, 1984

From the excerpt above, we can say that Chinese architecture has greatly influenced the architecture of Asia. Although it has been going strong since its existence, traditional Chinese architecture has unfortunately, been depleting rapidly due to the development of modern architecture.
Hence, to retain its true identity, we must conserve traditional Chinese architecture as it was thousands of years ago. Many questions arise when the topic of conservation comes to mind.  Is it worth it? Why should we conserve? Would the future generation value traditional architecture? What are the challenges that we will face? How should we conserve traditional Chinese architecture? There is always the option of creating awareness among the younger generation, investing in conservation projects, educating the younger generation on traditional architecture’s true meaning and many more. Traditional Chinese elements can still be seen in modern structures. But it is a rare occurrence.  It is however, still contributing to conservation. Challenges that we may face is the younger generation not accepting the traditional ways. As we strive into the 21st century, our main concern is keeping in with the new, and out with the old. We strive for modernity, advancement, futuristic and technology. Next there is the cultural significance. Traditional Chinese architecture tells us a story. It helps us maintain our true identity. Placement of a room, shape of a courtyard, ornamentations and etc., all have meaning behind it.

Annotated Bibliography

 Liang, Ssu-ch'eng, 1984, A pictorial history of Chinese architecture : a study of the development of its structural system and the evolution of its types, ed. by Wilma Fairbank, Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press.]

Chinese architecture, []


Modernism in China, by E. Denison & Y.R. Guang: Wiley

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, Thank you. Good effort for beginners..
    My comment to you and others (as most of you have similar mistakes):
    1. Need to make your title more specific by maybe answering the 5W1H? Conservation of(specify what kind of traditional Chinese Architecture),of where?/when (what era/time?)
    2. You have not specify the actually Chinese architecture conservation issue that you are concern off & worth doing a research. Please be more specific: Show evidence from current related issue/s.. what building? which type? where's location? when?
    3. Because of the lack of no. 1 you have no proper research Question/s yet?
    4. You have not specify the research methodology.. how are you gathering the data? how are you doing the analysis? etc.
    5. Please refer to APA format of referencing use/follow the rules.. to avoid plagiarism issues.. Do not paste the whole paragraph please.. please rephrase.. add the pages in your references.

    Lastly, just to remind you & others.. Please make sure you submit with the same full name as how you register to Taylor's system as we have difficulty identifying some of you.
